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Fairview Microwave Inc Key Specifications, Design: Fixed, Maximum Frequency: 18 GHz, Impedance: 50 Ohm, Power Maximum: 10 Watt, VSWR Maximum: 1.4:1, Attenuation: 1 dB, Connector Series 1: N, Connector Gender 1: Male, Connector Series 2: N, Connector Gender 2: Female, Body Material: Black Anodized Aluminum. 1dB RF fixed attenuator 10W, DC to 18GHz, N-type male to female, RF coaxial fixed attenuator FMAT7607-1 from Fairview Microwave is manufactured with a N-type input. This coax N-type RF attenuator comes with a 50 Ohm impedance. Our 50 Ohm N-type male to N-type female attenuator is constructed to precise RF and microwave industry specifications and operates at a maximum frequency of 18 GHz. This bidirectional attenuator is the best solution for reducing the power levels of a signal by a fixed amount with little or no reflections. This 18 GHz fixed RF attenuator can prevent signal overload in amplifiers, receivers and detectors, adjusting the signal level to optimal range. This bidirectional attenuator can operate at temperatures ranging from 125 to -55 deg C and has a 1.4:1 maximum VSWR. The max input power rating (CW) of this RF attenuator is 10 Watts. This radio frequency attenuator has a brass N-type connector with gold-plated brass contact. Fairview Microwave's N-type attenuator has a male gender in and a female gender out. FMAT7607-1 N-type male to N-type female attenuator is rated for a maximum RF attenuation value of 1 dB. This fixed passive coaxial attenuator is also suitable for precision measurements, production systems, instrumentation and prototyping and characterization applications. Our 1 dB fixed attenuator with N-type connectors is built with black anodized aluminum body material. Fairview Microwave's 1 dB fixed radio frequency attenuator with a maximum power rating of 10 Watts is in stock and currently available for purchase. Our N-type fixed attenuator is part of over one million RF, microwave and millimeter wave components ready for same-day shipment anywhere in the world. For further information on similar products, our expert technical support and trained sales team can get you to the ideal RF attenuator as per your requirements. $212.9700 / $229.0000
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