2142-0 by:

Interconnection Device

Part Details for 2142-0 by Pomona Electronics

Results Overview of 2142-0 by Pomona Electronics

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2142-0 Information

2142-0 by Pomona Electronics is an Other Interconnect.
Other Interconnects are under the broader part category of Connectors.

Connectors are devices that join electrical termination points to form circuits. With various types designed for specific functions like data, power, or signal transmission, choosing the right connector is essential for compatibility and device performance. Read more about Connectors on our Connectors part category page.

Available Datasheets

Part # Manufacturer Description Datasheet
BLL1214-250 Rochester Electronics LLC BLL1214-250 - HF/VHF Power Transistor (Ampleon Die)
HD6432142XXXFA Renesas Electronics Corporation Microcontrollers for Office Equipment Applications (Non Promotion), , /
RTKA214250DE0020BU Renesas Electronics Corporation LDO Linear Regulator Evaluation Board with 2.5V to 20V Vin Range, Adjustable 3.3V 500mA Output

Price & Stock for 2142-0

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
DISTI # 48F5000
Newark Banana Jack, 5A, Turret, Black, Gender:Jack, Connector Mounting:Panel Mount, Current Rating:5A, Voltage Rating:-, Contact Plating:Gold Plated Contacts, Connector Colour:Black, Contact Material:Brass, Contact Termination Type:- Rohs Compliant: Yes |Pomona 2142-0 RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 1 Package Multiple: 10 Date Code: 1 Container: Pack 2
  • 1 $21.5680
  • 5 $21.5680
  • 10 $21.5680
  • 25 $21.5680
  • 50 $21.5680
  • 100 $21.5680
$21.5680 Buy Now
Bisco Industries   996
Buy Now
DISTI # POM-2142-0
TME Connector: 2,6mm banana, socket, 5A, 1.5kV, black, on panel, 2142 Min Qty: 1 0
  • 1 $26.9100
  • 3 $25.2200
$25.2200 / $26.9100 RFQ
Powell Electronics BANANA JACK, BLACK MINI, 10/PKG Min Qty: 1 20
  • 1 $33.8200
$33.8200 Buy Now
DISTI # 32893.1
TestEquity LLC Pomona 2142-0 Miniature Banana Jack, Insulated, 5 A, Gold Plated, Brass, Black, 2142 Series 20
  • 1 $28.9900
$28.9900 Buy Now

Part Details for 2142-0

2142-0 Part Data Attributes

2142-0 Pomona Electronics
Buy Now Datasheet
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2142-0 Pomona Electronics Interconnection Device
Pbfree Code Yes
Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Active
Reach Compliance Code unknown
HTS Code 8535.90.80.20
Samacsys Manufacturer Pomona Electronics
Insulator Material POLYCARBONATE
Operating Temperature-Max 115 °C

Alternate Parts for 2142-0

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for 2142-0. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of 2142-0, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
2142-5 Pomona Electronics $22.6792 Interconnection Device 2142-0 vs 2142-5
2142-8 Pomona Electronics Check for Price Interconnection Device 2142-0 vs 2142-8
2142-1 Pomona Electronics Check for Price Interconnection Device 2142-0 vs 2142-1

2142-0 Related Parts

2142-0 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • The recommended torque for the connectors is 10-12 in-lbs (1.1-1.4 Nm).

  • Yes, the 2142-0 is designed to withstand high-vibration environments, but it's recommended to secure the connectors properly to prevent loosening.

  • The operating temperature range for the 2142-0 is -20°C to 100°C (-4°F to 212°F).

  • Yes, the 2142-0 connectors are compatible with other Pomona products, including their test leads and adapters.

  • The 2142-0 has a IP67 rating, making it suitable for use in humid or wet environments, but it's recommended to clean and dry the connectors regularly to prevent corrosion.

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