5962F1324801VXC by:

Operational Amplifier, 2 Func, 500uV Offset-Max, CDFP10

Part Details for 5962F1324801VXC by Renesas Electronics Corporation

Results Overview of 5962F1324801VXC by Renesas Electronics Corporation

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Applications Consumer Electronics Environmental Monitoring Smart Cities

5962F1324801VXC Information

5962F1324801VXC by Renesas Electronics Corporation is an Operational Amplifier.
Operational Amplifiers are under the broader part category of Amplifier Circuits.

Amplifier circuits use external power to increase the amplitude of an input signal. They can be used to perform linear amplifications or logarithmic functions. Read more about Amplifier Circuits on our Amplifier Circuits part category page.

Part Details for 5962F1324801VXC

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5962F1324801VXC Part Data Attributes

5962F1324801VXC Renesas Electronics Corporation
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5962F1324801VXC Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifier, 2 Func, 500uV Offset-Max, CDFP10
Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Active
Package Description DFP,
Reach Compliance Code compliant
HTS Code 8542.33.00.01
Samacsys Manufacturer Renesas Electronics
Average Bias Current-Max (IIB) 0.58 µA
Common-mode Reject Ratio-Nom 70 dB
Input Offset Voltage-Max 500 µV
JESD-30 Code R-CDFP-F10
Length 7.37 mm
Neg Supply Voltage Limit-Max -21 V
Neg Supply Voltage-Nom (Vsup) -2.5 V
Number of Functions 2
Number of Terminals 10
Operating Temperature-Max 125 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -55 °C
Package Code DFP
Package Style FLATPACK
Peak Reflow Temperature (Cel) NOT SPECIFIED
Qualification Status Not Qualified
Screening Level MIL-PRF-38535 Class V
Seated Height-Max 2.92 mm
Slew Rate-Nom 35 V/us
Supply Voltage Limit-Max 21 V
Supply Voltage-Nom (Vsup) 2.5 V
Surface Mount YES
Temperature Grade MILITARY
Terminal Form FLAT
Terminal Pitch 1.27 mm
Terminal Position DUAL
Time@Peak Reflow Temperature-Max (s) NOT SPECIFIED
Total Dose 300k Rad(Si) V
Unity Gain BW-Nom 17000
Width 6.35 mm

5962F1324801VXC Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • The recommended operating temperature range for the 5962F1324801VXC is -40°C to 125°C, as specified in the datasheet. However, it's essential to note that the device can tolerate a wider temperature range during storage, which is -55°C to 150°C.

  • To ensure proper power supply, connect the VCC pin to a stable 3.3V power source, and the VSS pin to a reliable ground connection. Additionally, it's crucial to follow the recommended power-up and power-down sequences to prevent damage or malfunction.

  • The 5962F1324801VXC supports a maximum clock frequency of 100 MHz. However, the actual clock frequency may vary depending on the specific application and system design.

  • The 5962F1324801VXC features a JTAG interface for debugging and testing purposes. To handle the JTAG interface, ensure that the TCK, TMS, TDI, and TDO pins are properly connected to a JTAG adapter or debugger, and follow the recommended JTAG protocol and signaling guidelines.

  • When designing a PCB with the 5962F1324801VXC, it's essential to follow good layout practices, such as minimizing signal trace lengths, using proper decoupling capacitors, and ensuring adequate power and ground plane distribution. Additionally, consider the device's thermal characteristics and provide adequate heat dissipation mechanisms.

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