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Pasternack Enterprises Key Specifications, Antenna Type: Omni, Polarization: Vertical, Minimum Frequency: 136 MHz, Maximum Frequency: 174 MHz, Connector 1 Polarity: Reverse Polarity, Connector Series: SMA, Maximum Input VSWR: 1.5:1. 136-174 MHz, 3.5 dBi Gain, Omni-directional Antenna with Magnetic NMO Mount, Reverse Polarity-SMA Plug Connector., Pasternack’s PEANMOB1006-RSP is a high performance 5G / LTE outdoor omni directional standard antenna specifically designed for cellular networks, is in stock at our production facility certified to ISO 9001:2015 that ship same day internationally. The 4.5 dBi omni Antenna operates within a range of 136 MHz-174 MHz and comes with SMA Type Connector which is ideal for 5G, LTE, CDMA, LPWAN/IoT/M2M applications including LoRA, LTE-M, and NB-IOT. Manufactured to the highest international standards, our commercial grade, vertical polarized omni antenna with heavy duty steel mast mounting brackets and a lightweight stainless steel radome is ideally suited for all weather operation. Pasternack's type SMA connectorized PEANMOB1006-RSP antenna has a horizontal HPBW tolerance of Degrees and vertical HPBW tolerance of Degrees with 50 Watts max input power. The single band standard omni directional antenna has a type SMA reverse polarity polarity connector, gain nominal of 4.5 dBi gain and can be used to broadcast cellular LTE signals. The model PEANMOB1006-RSP designed specifically for the outdoors has an operational temperature between to deg C. Ideal for point to multipoint use in large open areas such as base station installations or large campuses the antenna has an impedance of and max input power of 50 Watts. Built tough, this Type SMA connector has an overall length of 54.74in, width of 3in, and weighs 1.46lbs. The mounting pole diameter is between in - in, and operates on the cellular band. Pasternack’s PEANMOB1006-RSP with black abs colored stainless steel Radome has passed through a rigorous Quality Management System (QMS) and comes from a facility certified to ISO 9001:2015. The part number PEANMOB1006-RSP is a omni directional standard series antenna with a single band type and has a 4.5 dBi gain nominal. The included mounting bracket and hardware for this single band omni antenna with stainless steel radome, makes it very easy to install. The standard omni directional band antenna with vertical polarization eliminates the need to purchase different antennas for each frequency. Pasternack's experts on high performance 5G / LTE outdoor antennas are on hand to assist you with any inquiries on 4.5 dBi standard omni directional 136 MHz-174 MHz SMA Type connector antennas. Order our LTE outdoor omni directional standard antenna PEANMOB1006-RSP, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day using our on-line ordering system with no MOQs (minimum order quantity) and same-day shipping via UPS or FedEx. $47.6500 / $55.4100
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