CM315D32768DZFT by: Citizen Finedevice Co Ltd

Parallel - Fundamental Quartz Crystal, 0.032768MHz Nom, SMD, 2 PIN

Part Details for CM315D32768DZFT by Citizen Finedevice Co Ltd

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CM315D32768DZFT Information

CM315D32768DZFT by Citizen Finedevice Co Ltd is a Quartz Crystal.
Quartz Crystals are under the broader part category of Crystals/Resonators.

Crystals and resonators are key components in electronic circuits that provide precise frequency signals for applications like timing and data processing. Read more about Crystals/Resonators on our Crystals/Resonators part category page.

Part Details for CM315D32768DZFT

CM315D32768DZFT CAD Models

CM315D32768DZFT Part Data Attributes

CM315D32768DZFT Citizen Finedevice Co Ltd
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CM315D32768DZFT Citizen Finedevice Co Ltd Parallel - Fundamental Quartz Crystal, 0.032768MHz Nom, SMD, 2 PIN
Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Active
Package Description SMD, 2 PIN
Reach Compliance Code compliant
HTS Code 8541.60.00.10
Samacsys Manufacturer CITIZEN FINEDEVICE
Additional Feature TR, 7 INCH
Crystal/Resonator Type PARALLEL - FUNDAMENTAL
Drive Level 1 µW
Frequency Stability 0.012%
Frequency Tolerance 20 ppm
JESD-609 Code e4
Load Capacitance 12.5 pF
Mounting Feature SURFACE MOUNT
Operating Frequency-Nom 0.032768 MHz
Operating Temperature-Max 85 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -40 °C
Physical Dimension L3.2XB1.5XH0.9 (mm)/L0.126XB0.059XH0.035 (inch)
Series Resistance 70000 Ω
Surface Mount YES
Terminal Finish GOLD

Alternate Parts for CM315D32768DZFT

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for CM315D32768DZFT. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of CM315D32768DZFT, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
SCP8-32.768KHZTR Suntsu Electronics Inc Check for Price Parallel - Fundamental Quartz Crystal, 0.032768MHz Nom, ROHS COMPLIANT, ULTRA MINIATURE PACKAGE-2 CM315D32768DZFT vs SCP8-32.768KHZTR
Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
CM31532768DZFT Citizen Finedevice Co Ltd Check for Price Parallel - Fundamental Quartz Crystal, 0.032768MHz Nom, ROHS COMPLIANT, ULTRA MINIATURE, CERAMIC, SMD, 2 PIN CM315D32768DZFT vs CM31532768DZFT
CM31532768DZFB Citizen Electronics Co Ltd Check for Price Parallel - Fundamental Quartz Crystal, 0.032768MHz Nom, LEAD FREE, ULTRA MINIATURE, CERAMIC, SMD, 2 PIN CM315D32768DZFT vs CM31532768DZFB
CM31532768DZFT Citizen Electronics Co Ltd Check for Price Parallel - Fundamental Quartz Crystal, 0.032768MHz Nom, ROHS COMPLIANT, ULTRA MINIATURE, CERAMIC, SMD, 2 PIN CM315D32768DZFT vs CM31532768DZFT
CM31532768DZFB Citizen Finedevice Co Ltd Check for Price Parallel - Fundamental Quartz Crystal, 0.032768MHz Nom, ROHS COMPLIANT, ULTRA MINIATURE, CERAMIC, SMD, 2 PIN CM315D32768DZFT vs CM31532768DZFB
CM31532768DZCT Citizen Finedevice Co Ltd Check for Price Parallel - Fundamental Quartz Crystal, 0.032768MHz Nom, ROHS COMPLIANT, ULTRA MINIATURE, CERAMIC, SMD, 2 PIN CM315D32768DZFT vs CM31532768DZCT
IL3X2-HX5F9-32.768KHZ Abracon Corporation Check for Price Parallel - Fundamental Quartz Crystal, 0.032768MHz Nom, SMD, 2 PIN CM315D32768DZFT vs IL3X2-HX5F9-32.768KHZ
CM31532768DZCB Citizen Finedevice Co Ltd Check for Price Parallel - Fundamental Quartz Crystal, 0.032768MHz Nom, ROHS COMPLIANT, ULTRA MINIATURE, CERAMIC, SMD, 2 PIN CM315D32768DZFT vs CM31532768DZCB
IL3X-HX5F9-32.768KHZ Abracon Corporation Check for Price Parallel - Fundamental Quartz Crystal, 0.032768MHz Nom, CM315D32768DZFT vs IL3X-HX5F9-32.768KHZ

CM315D32768DZFT Related Parts

CM315D32768DZFT Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • The recommended PCB layout and land pattern can be found in the manufacturer's application note or design guide. It's essential to follow these guidelines to ensure optimal performance, thermal management, and signal integrity.

  • The datasheet provides thermal resistance values, but for optimal thermal management, consider using thermal vias, thermal pads, and heat sinks. Ensure good airflow and avoid blocking airflow around the component.

  • The recommended soldering conditions can be found in the manufacturer's application note or soldering guide. Typically, a peak temperature of 240°C to 260°C is recommended, with a soldering time of 2-3 seconds.

  • Start by reviewing the datasheet and application notes. Check for proper PCB layout, soldering, and thermal management. Use oscilloscopes and logic analyzers to debug signal integrity issues. Consult the manufacturer's support resources or contact their technical support team for further assistance.

  • The reliability and lifespan of the CM315D32768DZFT are dependent on various factors, including operating conditions, PCB quality, and manufacturing processes. Refer to the manufacturer's reliability report and environmental testing data for more information.

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