FCM1608KF-601T03 by:

Ferrite Chip, 1 Function(s), 0.35A,

Part Details for FCM1608KF-601T03 by Tai-Tech Advanced Electronics Co Ltd

Results Overview of FCM1608KF-601T03 by Tai-Tech Advanced Electronics Co Ltd

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Applications Internet of Things (IoT) Environmental Monitoring Financial Technology (Fintech) Telecommunications Automotive

FCM1608KF-601T03 Information

FCM1608KF-601T03 by Tai-Tech Advanced Electronics Co Ltd is a Data Line Filter.
Data Line Filters are under the broader part category of Filters.

A filter is an electronic circuit that selectively allows certain frequencies to pass while attenuating others. They are used to extract desired signals and remove noise. Read more about Filters on our Filters part category page.

Price & Stock for FCM1608KF-601T03

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
CHIPMALL.COM LIMITED 500m 25% 600@100MHz 0603 Ferrite Beads ROHS 198087
  • 1 $0.0141
  • 100 $0.0081
  • 1,000 $0.0048
  • 2,000 $0.0034
  • 4,000 $0.0024
$0.0024 / $0.0141 Buy Now

Part Details for FCM1608KF-601T03

FCM1608KF-601T03 CAD Models

FCM1608KF-601T03 Part Data Attributes

FCM1608KF-601T03 Tai-Tech Advanced Electronics Co Ltd
Buy Now Datasheet
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FCM1608KF-601T03 Tai-Tech Advanced Electronics Co Ltd Ferrite Chip, 1 Function(s), 0.35A,
Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Contact Manufacturer
Reach Compliance Code compliant
HTS Code 8504.50.80.00
Samacsys Manufacturer TAI-TECH
DC Resistance-Max 0.5 Ω
Height 0.8 mm
Length 1.6 mm
Number of Functions 1
Output Impedance 600 OHM Ω
Packing Method TR
Rated Current 0.35 A
Width 0.8 mm

FCM1608KF-601T03 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • The recommended storage condition for the FCM1608KF-601T03 is in a dry, cool place with a temperature range of 20°C to 30°C and humidity below 60%. Avoid exposing the component to direct sunlight, moisture, or extreme temperatures.

  • To prevent ESD damage, handle the FCM1608KF-601T03 with an anti-static wrist strap or mat, and ensure that the workspace is ESD-protected. Avoid touching the component's pins or leads, and use ESD-safe packaging and storage materials.

  • The recommended soldering profile for the FCM1608KF-601T03 is a peak temperature of 260°C for 10-15 seconds, with a preheat temperature of 150°C to 180°C. Ensure that the soldering process is done in a nitrogen-filled environment to prevent oxidation.

  • The FCM1608KF-601T03 is designed to withstand moderate vibration levels. However, for high-vibration environments, it's recommended to use additional mechanical support or mounting mechanisms to ensure the component's reliability and performance.

  • To troubleshoot issues with the FCM1608KF-601T03, start by checking the component's datasheet and application notes. Verify that the component is properly soldered and that the PCB design meets the recommended layout guidelines. Use oscilloscopes or logic analyzers to debug signal integrity issues, and consult with Tai-Tech Advanced Electronics Co Ltd's technical support team if necessary.

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