HD74LS08P by:

AND Gate, LS Series, 4-Func, 2-Input, TTL, PDIP14, DP-14

Part Details for HD74LS08P by Hitachi Ltd

Results Overview of HD74LS08P by Hitachi Ltd

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Applications Education and Research Industrial Automation Financial Technology (Fintech) Healthcare Electronic Manufacturing

HD74LS08P Information

HD74LS08P by Hitachi Ltd is a Gate.
Gates are under the broader part category of Logic Components.

Digital logic governs the behavior of signals in electronic circuits, enabling complex decisions based on simple binary inputs (yes/no). Logic components perform operations from these signals. Read more about Logic Components on our Logic part category page.

Price & Stock for HD74LS08P

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
Bristol Electronics   130
Component Electronics, Inc IN STOCK SHIP TODAY 25
  • 1 $0.7700
  • 100 $0.5800
  • 1,000 $0.5000
$0.5000 / $0.7700 Buy Now

Part Details for HD74LS08P

HD74LS08P CAD Models

HD74LS08P Part Data Attributes

HD74LS08P Hitachi Ltd
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HD74LS08P Hitachi Ltd AND Gate, LS Series, 4-Func, 2-Input, TTL, PDIP14, DP-14
Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Transferred
Ihs Manufacturer HITACHI LTD
Part Package Code DIP
Package Description DIP, DIP14,.3
Pin Count 14
Reach Compliance Code unknown
HTS Code 8542.39.00.01
Samacsys Manufacturer HITACHI
Family LS
JESD-30 Code R-PDIP-T14
Length 19.2 mm
Logic IC Type AND GATE
Max I(ol) 0.008 A
Number of Functions 4
Number of Inputs 2
Number of Terminals 14
Operating Temperature-Max 75 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -20 °C
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Package Code DIP
Package Equivalence Code DIP14,.3
Package Style IN-LINE
Power Supply Current-Max (ICC) 8.8 mA
Prop. Delay@Nom-Sup 20 ns
Propagation Delay (tpd) 20 ns
Qualification Status Not Qualified
Schmitt Trigger NO
Seated Height-Max 5.06 mm
Supply Voltage-Nom (Vsup) 5 V
Surface Mount NO
Technology TTL
Terminal Form THROUGH-HOLE
Terminal Pitch 2.54 mm
Terminal Position DUAL
Width 7.62 mm

Alternate Parts for HD74LS08P

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for HD74LS08P. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of HD74LS08P, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
DM74LS08N Rochester Electronics LLC Check for Price AND Gate, LS Series, 4-Func, 2-Input, TTL, PDIP14, 0.300 INCH, PLASTIC, MS-001, DIP-14 HD74LS08P vs DM74LS08N
M38510/31004BCX QP Semiconductor Check for Price AND Gate, LS Series, 4-Func, 2-Input, TTL, CDIP14, CERAMIC, DIP-14 HD74LS08P vs M38510/31004BCX
DV74LS08N avg Semiconductors Check for Price AND Gate, LS Series, 4-Func, 2-Input, TTL, PDIP14, PLASTIC, DIP-14 HD74LS08P vs DV74LS08N
M38510/31004BCX Teledyne e2v Check for Price AND Gate, LS Series, 4-Func, 2-Input, TTL, CDIP14, CERAMIC, DIP-14 HD74LS08P vs M38510/31004BCX
JM38510/31004BCA Motorola Semiconductor Products Check for Price AND Gate, LS Series, 4-Func, 2-Input, TTL, CDIP14, CERDIP-14 HD74LS08P vs JM38510/31004BCA
SN74LS08NE4 Texas Instruments Check for Price 4-ch, 2-input, 4.75-V to 5.25-V 16-mA drive strength bipolar AND gate 14-PDIP 0 to 70 HD74LS08P vs SN74LS08NE4
Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
M38510/31004SCX NXP Semiconductors Check for Price IC LS SERIES, QUAD 2-INPUT AND GATE, CDIP14, CERAMIC, DIP-14, Gate HD74LS08P vs M38510/31004SCX
SN74LS08JS Motorola Mobility LLC Check for Price LS SERIES, QUAD 2-INPUT AND GATE, CDIP14, CERAMIC, DIP-14 HD74LS08P vs SN74LS08JS
SN74LS08N NXP Semiconductors Check for Price LS SERIES, QUAD 2-INPUT AND GATE, PDIP14 HD74LS08P vs SN74LS08N
SN74LS08N Freescale Semiconductor Check for Price IC,LOGIC GATE,QUAD 2-INPUT AND,LS-TTL,DIP,14PIN,PLASTIC HD74LS08P vs SN74LS08N
SN74LS08JD Motorola Semiconductor Products Check for Price AND Gate, LS Series, 4-Func, 2-Input, TTL, CDIP14, CERAMIC, DIP-14 HD74LS08P vs SN74LS08JD
SN54LS08J-00 Texas Instruments Check for Price LS SERIES, QUAD 2-INPUT AND GATE, CDIP14 HD74LS08P vs SN54LS08J-00
SN54LS08J Texas Instruments Check for Price Military, 4-ch, 2-input, 4.5-V to 5.5-V 16-mA drive strength bipolar AND gate 14-CDIP -55 to 125 HD74LS08P vs SN54LS08J
M38510/31004SCA Texas Instruments Check for Price Space, 4-ch, 2-input, 4.5-V to 5.5-V 16-mA drive strength bipolar AND gate 14-CDIP -55 to 125 HD74LS08P vs M38510/31004SCA
SN74LS08N Motorola Mobility LLC Check for Price LS SERIES, QUAD 2-INPUT AND GATE, PDIP14, 646-06 HD74LS08P vs SN74LS08N
N74LS08N YAGEO Corporation Check for Price AND Gate, LS Series, 4-Func, 2-Input, TTL, PDIP14 HD74LS08P vs N74LS08N

HD74LS08P Related Parts

HD74LS08P Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • The maximum operating frequency of the HD74LS08P is typically around 30-40 MHz, but it can vary depending on the specific application and operating conditions.

  • To ensure reliable operation of the HD74LS08P in high-temperature environments, it is recommended to follow proper thermal management practices, such as providing adequate heat sinking and airflow, and ensuring that the device is operated within its specified temperature range.

  • The HD74LS08P is a 5V device, but it can be used in a 3.3V system with some limitations. However, the device's performance and functionality may be degraded, and it may not meet the specified parameters. It is recommended to use a level translator or a voltage regulator to ensure proper operation.

  • The propagation delay of the HD74LS08P is typically around 10-20 ns, depending on the specific application and operating conditions. To handle the propagation delay, it is recommended to use proper signal routing and layout techniques, and to consider the delay in the system design.

  • The HD74LS08P is a TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) device, and it is generally compatible with other TTL devices. However, it may not be directly compatible with other logic families, such as CMOS or ECL. Level translators or interface circuits may be required to ensure compatibility.

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