OPA2277U by:

Operational Amplifier, 2 Func, 50uV Offset-Max, BIPolar, PDSO8, SO-8

Part Details for OPA2277U by Burr-Brown Corp

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Applications Education and Research Internet of Things (IoT) Computing and Data Storage Aerospace and Defense Healthcare Telecommunications Automotive

OPA2277U Information

OPA2277U by Burr-Brown Corp is an Operational Amplifier.
Operational Amplifiers are under the broader part category of Amplifier Circuits.

Amplifier circuits use external power to increase the amplitude of an input signal. They can be used to perform linear amplifications or logarithmic functions. Read more about Amplifier Circuits on our Amplifier Circuits part category page.

Part Details for OPA2277U

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OPA2277U Part Data Attributes

OPA2277U Burr-Brown Corp
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OPA2277U Burr-Brown Corp Operational Amplifier, 2 Func, 50uV Offset-Max, BIPolar, PDSO8, SO-8
Rohs Code No
Part Life Cycle Code Transferred
Ihs Manufacturer BURR-BROWN CORP
Package Description SO-8
Reach Compliance Code unknown
Average Bias Current-Max (IIB) 0.002 µA
Bias Current-Max (IIB) @25C 0.001 µA
Common-mode Reject Ratio-Nom 140 dB
Frequency Compensation YES
Input Offset Voltage-Max 50 µV
JESD-30 Code R-PDSO-G8
JESD-609 Code e0
Low-Offset YES
Micropower YES
Neg Supply Voltage Limit-Max -18 V
Neg Supply Voltage-Nom (Vsup) -15 V
Number of Functions 2
Number of Terminals 8
Operating Temperature-Max 85 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -40 °C
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Package Code SOP
Package Equivalence Code SOP8,.25
Qualification Status Not Qualified
Slew Rate-Nom 0.8 V/us
Supply Current-Max 1.8 mA
Supply Voltage Limit-Max 18 V
Supply Voltage-Nom (Vsup) 15 V
Surface Mount YES
Technology BIPOLAR
Temperature Grade INDUSTRIAL
Terminal Finish Tin/Lead (Sn/Pb)
Terminal Form GULL WING
Terminal Pitch 1.27 mm
Terminal Position DUAL
Unity Gain BW-Nom 1000
Voltage Gain-Min 1995000

OPA2277U Related Parts

OPA2277U Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • To minimize noise and ensure optimal performance, it is recommended to use a symmetrical layout, keep the input and output traces short and away from each other, and use a solid ground plane. Additionally, decoupling capacitors should be placed close to the power pins, and the device should be powered from a low-noise supply.

  • The OPA2277U has a high input bias current, which can cause voltage drops across the source impedance. To mitigate this, use a low-impedance source, such as a voltage divider or a buffer amplifier, and consider using a bias current cancellation technique.

  • The OPA2277U can drive capacitive loads up to 1nF without oscillation, but it's recommended to use a series resistor to dampen the load and prevent oscillation. The maximum capacitive load will depend on the specific application and layout.

  • To ensure stability in a unity-gain configuration, it's recommended to add a small capacitor (e.g., 10pF) between the output and the inverting input to compensate for the op-amp's internal capacitance. Additionally, ensure that the layout is symmetrical and the input and output traces are short and well-separated.

  • The OPA2277U is not designed to handle input common-mode voltages that exceed the power supply rails. If the input common-mode voltage exceeds the power supply rails, the device may enter a high-current state or become unstable. It's essential to ensure that the input common-mode voltage remains within the power supply rails to maintain device stability and prevent damage.

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