SD3503A-CNE3R by: Espressif Inc

Part Details for SD3503A-CNE3R by Espressif Inc

Overview of SD3503A-CNE3R by Espressif Inc

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Part Details for SD3503A-CNE3R

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Resources and Additional Insights for SD3503A-CNE3R

Reference Designs related to SD3503A-CNE3R

  • ACC-UZB3-H-BRG : USB Z-Wave 500 920 MHz Bridge Controller Reference Design
    The UZB bridge controller is a USB Z-Wave controller reference design that supports virtual slave nodes. Up to 128 virtual slave nodes can be bridged to functionality or devices that reside on an external network.<p>The UZB bridge controller, like the UZB static controller, is based on the SD3503 serial interface SoC, and includes a crystal, passive RF components, antenna, and regional SAW lter, making it both cost effective and easy to use.<p>The UZB exposes the well-documented and proven Z-Wave Serial API via USB. As new Z-Wave Serial API features become available, the UZB can be upgraded using the USB port, eliminating the need to replace hardware. The UZB is powered by the USB port, and has a built-in helical antenna that is designed specically for Z-Wave. The UZB comes pre-scanned for FCC and CE approval, making nal product testing easy for production partners. Designs based on the UZB will require FCC and CE approval.<p>The UZB provides hardware-assisted frequency agility, enabling the module to switch away from a noisy channel without communication or software overhead.<p>The UZB continues to build on the Z-Wave ten-year track record of backward- compatibility, enabling all generations of Z-Wave to communicate seamlessly in a Z-Wave network.
  • ACC-UZB3-U-BRG : USB Z-Wave 500 908 MHz Bridge Controller Reference Design
    The UZB bridge controller is a USB Z-Wave controller reference design that supports virtual slave nodes. Up to 128 virtual slave nodes can be bridged to functionality or devices that reside on an external network.<p>The UZB bridge controller, like the UZB static controller, is based on the SD3503 serial interface SoC, and includes a crystal, passive RF components, antenna, and regional SAW lter, making it both cost effective and easy to use.<p>The UZB exposes the well-documented and proven Z-Wave Serial API via USB. As new Z-Wave Serial API features become available, the UZB can be upgraded using the USB port, eliminating the need to replace hardware. The UZB is powered by the USB port, and has a built-in helical antenna that is designed specically for Z-Wave. The UZB comes pre-scanned for FCC and CE approval, making nal product testing easy for production partners. Designs based on the UZB will require FCC and CE approval.<p>The UZB provides hardware-assisted frequency agility, enabling the module to switch away from a noisy channel without communication or software overhead.<p>The UZB continues to build on the Z-Wave ten-year track record of backward- compatibility, enabling all generations of Z-Wave to communicate seamlessly in a Z-Wave network.
  • ACC-UZB3-E-BRG : USB Z-Wave 500 868 MHz Bridge Controller Reference Design
    The UZB bridge controller is a USB Z-Wave controller reference design that supports virtual slave nodes. Up to 128 virtual slave nodes can be bridged to functionality or devices that reside on an external network.<p>The UZB bridge controller, like the UZB static controller, is based on the SD3503 serial interface SoC, and includes a crystal, passive RF components, antenna, and regional SAW lter, making it both cost effective and easy to use.<p>The UZB exposes the well-documented and proven Z-Wave Serial API via USB. As new Z-Wave Serial API features become available, the UZB can be upgraded using the USB port, eliminating the need to replace hardware. The UZB is powered by the USB port, and has a built-in helical antenna that is designed specically for Z-Wave. The UZB comes pre-scanned for FCC and CE approval, making nal product testing easy for production partners. Designs based on the UZB will require FCC and CE approval.<p>The UZB provides hardware-assisted frequency agility, enabling the module to switch away from a noisy channel without communication or software overhead.<p>The UZB continues to build on the Z-Wave ten-year track record of backward- compatibility, enabling all generations of Z-Wave to communicate seamlessly in a Z-Wave network.
  • ACC-UZB3-E-STA : USB Z-Wave 500 868 MHz Static Controller Reference Design
    The UZB static controller is a USB Z-Wave controller reference design. The UZB is based on the SD3503 serial interface SoC, and includes a crystal, passive RF components, antenna, and regional SAW lter, making it both cost effective and easy to use.<p>The UZB exposes the well-documented and proven Z-Wave Serial API via USB. As new Z-Wave Serial API features become available, the UZB can be upgraded using the USB port, eliminating the need to replace hardware. The UZB is powered by the USB port, and has a built-in helical antenna that is designed specically for Z-Wave. The UZB comes pre-scanned for FCC and CE approval, making nal product testing easy for production partners. Designs based on the UZB will require FCC and CE approval.<p>The UZB provides hardware-assisted frequency agility, enabling the module to switch away from a noisy channel without communication or software overhead.<p>The UZB continues to build on the Z-Wave ten-year track record of backward- compatibility, enabling all generations of Z-Wave to communicate seamlessly in a Z-Wave network.
  • ACC-UZB3-U-STA : USB Z-Wave 500 908 MHz Static Controller Reference Design
    The UZB static controller is a USB Z-Wave controller reference design. The UZB is based on the SD3503 serial interface SoC, and includes a crystal, passive RF components, antenna, and regional SAW lter, making it both cost effective and easy to use.<p>The UZB exposes the well-documented and proven Z-Wave Serial API via USB. As new Z-Wave Serial API features become available, the UZB can be upgraded using the USB port, eliminating the need to replace hardware. The UZB is powered by the USB port, and has a built-in helical antenna that is designed specically for Z-Wave. The UZB comes pre-scanned for FCC and CE approval, making nal product testing easy for production partners. Designs based on the UZB will require FCC and CE approval.<p>The UZB provides hardware-assisted frequency agility, enabling the module to switch away from a noisy channel without communication or software overhead.<p>The UZB continues to build on the Z-Wave ten-year track record of backward- compatibility, enabling all generations of Z-Wave to communicate seamlessly in a Z-Wave network.

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