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Part Details for SI8642AB-B-IS1 by Silicon Laboratories Inc

Results Overview of SI8642AB-B-IS1 by Silicon Laboratories Inc

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SI8642AB-B-IS1 Information

SI8642AB-B-IS1 by Silicon Laboratories Inc is an Other Interface IC.
Other Interface ICs are under the broader part category of Drivers And Interfaces.

A driver controls the current or voltage delivered to components like LCDs or motors, while an interface component connects systems for data transfer and control. Read more about Drivers And Interfaces on our Drivers And Interfaces part category page.

Price & Stock for SI8642AB-B-IS1

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
TME IC: interface, digital isolator, 1Mbps, 2.5÷5.5VDC, SMD, SO16, Ch: 4 Min Qty: 1 126
  • 1 $4.0600
  • 3 $3.5900
  • 10 $3.2300
$3.2300 / $4.0600 Buy Now

Part Details for SI8642AB-B-IS1

SI8642AB-B-IS1 CAD Models

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Resources and Additional Insights for SI8642AB-B-IS1

Reference Designs related to SI8642AB-B-IS1

  • SI86ISOLIN-KIT : Si86xx Linear Isolation Reference Design
    The ISOLinear reference design is intended for designers looking for a complete, high performance alternative to expensive isolation amplifiers used to implement analog signal isolation. This linear isolation reference design includes three different cost/performance-optimized analog isolation circuits, supporting input signal bandwidths from 100 kHz (at 12-bit resolution) to 500 kHz (at 10-bits). Each of the three independent reference circuits modulates an incoming analog signal, transmits the resulting digital signal through an Si86xx digital isolator and then filters the resulting output to reconstruct the analog input signal. Key applications include isolation amplifiers for sensors, ground loop elimination, level shifting and motor control. The heart of the ISOlinear reference design is a 150 Mbps Si86xx digital isolator.
  • SI86XXCOM-KIT : Si86xx Digital Isolated Communications Reference Design
    To help demonstrate the low power, reliability and performance of our digital isolators, we offer the Si86xx Digital Isolated Communications reference design kit. This new reference design showcases isolated RS-232, RS-485 and CAN interfaces using Si86xx digital isolators.<p>Si86xx devices are CMOS-based galvanic isolators with isolation ratings up to 5 kV and designed for industrial, commercial, computing, telecommunications and medical applications. Available in various channel counts (1/2/3/4/5/6), speeds (1 and 150 Mbps) and three package options (narrow and wide body SOIC, QSOP ), as well as unidirectional and bidirectional (I²C) channels configurations.

SI8642AB-B-IS1 Related Parts

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