W9864G6KH-6 by: Winbond Electronics Corp

Synchronous DRAM, 4MX16, 5ns, CMOS, PDSO54, TSOP2-54

Part Details for W9864G6KH-6 by Winbond Electronics Corp

Overview of W9864G6KH-6 by Winbond Electronics Corp

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Applications Internet of Things (IoT) Environmental Monitoring Financial Technology (Fintech) Smart Cities Transportation and Logistics Agriculture Technology Telecommunications Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Vision Systems Education and Research Consumer Electronics Security and Surveillance Audio and Video Systems Computing and Data Storage Healthcare Entertainment and Gaming

Price & Stock for W9864G6KH-6

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
NAC 64Mb, SDR SDRAM, x16, 166MHz, 46nm, TSOPII 54 Package RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 108 Package Multiple: 108 0
  • 108 $1.1500
  • 540 $1.0000
$1.0000 / $1.1500 Buy Now
DISTI # C1S810600023084
Chip1Stop 64Mb, SDR SDRAM, x16, 166MHz, 46nm RoHS: Compliant pbFree: Yes Container: Tray 108
  • 1 $1.5500
  • 10 $1.3200
  • 50 $1.2800
  • 100 $1.1900
  • 108 $1.1600
$1.1600 / $1.5500 Buy Now
  • 1 $0.9061
  • 10 $0.7480
  • 30 $0.6698
  • 108 $0.5463
  • 540 $0.4982
  • 864 $0.4741
$0.4741 / $0.9061 Buy Now
Win Source Electronics IC SDRAM 64MBIT 166MHZ 54TSOP 20000
  • 90 $0.5676
  • 190 $0.5310
  • 295 $0.5127
  • 425 $0.4761
  • 550 $0.4578
  • 685 $0.4395
$0.4395 / $0.5676 Buy Now

Part Details for W9864G6KH-6

W9864G6KH-6 CAD Models

W9864G6KH-6 Part Data Attributes

W9864G6KH-6 Winbond Electronics Corp
Buy Now Datasheet
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W9864G6KH-6 Winbond Electronics Corp Synchronous DRAM, 4MX16, 5ns, CMOS, PDSO54, TSOP2-54
Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Active
Package Description TSOP2-54
Reach Compliance Code compliant
HTS Code 8542.32.00.02
Samacsys Manufacturer Winbond
Access Time-Max 5 ns
Additional Feature AUTO/SELF REFRESH
Clock Frequency-Max (fCLK) 166 MHz
Interleaved Burst Length 1,2,4,8
JESD-30 Code R-PDSO-G54
Length 22.22 mm
Memory Density 67108864 bit
Memory Width 16
Number of Functions 1
Number of Ports 1
Number of Terminals 54
Number of Words 4194304 words
Number of Words Code 4000000
Operating Mode SYNCHRONOUS
Operating Temperature-Max 70 °C
Operating Temperature-Min
Organization 4MX16
Output Characteristics 3-STATE
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Package Code TSOP2
Package Equivalence Code TSOP54,.46,32
Peak Reflow Temperature (Cel) NOT SPECIFIED
Refresh Cycles 4096
Seated Height-Max 1.2 mm
Self Refresh YES
Sequential Burst Length 1,2,4,8,FP
Standby Current-Max 0.025 A
Supply Current-Max 0.075 mA
Supply Voltage-Max (Vsup) 3.6 V
Supply Voltage-Min (Vsup) 3 V
Supply Voltage-Nom (Vsup) 3.3 V
Surface Mount YES
Technology CMOS
Temperature Grade INDUSTRIAL
Terminal Form GULL WING
Terminal Pitch 0.8 mm
Terminal Position DUAL
Time@Peak Reflow Temperature-Max (s) NOT SPECIFIED
Width 10.16 mm

Alternate Parts for W9864G6KH-6

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for W9864G6KH-6. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of W9864G6KH-6, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
W9864G6JB-6I Winbond Electronics Corp Check for Price Synchronous DRAM, 4MX16, 5ns, CMOS, PBGA60, VFBGA-60 W9864G6KH-6 vs W9864G6JB-6I
M12L64164A-5BG2Y Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc Check for Price Synchronous DRAM, 4MX16, 5ns, CMOS, PBGA54, 8 X 8 MM, 1 MM HEIGHT, 0.80 MM PITCH, LEAD FREE, VBGA-54 W9864G6KH-6 vs M12L64164A-5BG2Y
W9864G6JB-6 Winbond Electronics Corp Check for Price Synchronous DRAM, 4MX16, 5ns, CMOS, PBGA60, VFBGA-60 W9864G6KH-6 vs W9864G6JB-6
M12L64164A-5TG2Y Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc Check for Price Synchronous DRAM, 4MX16, 5ns, CMOS, PDSO54, 0.400 X 0.875 INCH, 0.80 MM PITCH, LEAD FREE, TSOP2-54 W9864G6KH-6 vs M12L64164A-5TG2Y
M12L64164A-5BIG2Y Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc Check for Price Synchronous DRAM, 4MX16, 5ns, CMOS, PBGA54, 8 X 8 MM, 1 MM HEIGHT, 0.80 MM PITCH, LEAD FREE, VBGA-54 W9864G6KH-6 vs M12L64164A-5BIG2Y
W9864G6KB-6 Winbond Electronics Corp Check for Price Synchronous DRAM, 4MX16, 5ns, CMOS, PBGA60, 6.40 X 10.10 MM, 0.65 MM PITCH, ROHS COMPLIANT, VFBGA-60 W9864G6KH-6 vs W9864G6KB-6
M12L64164A-5TVG2Y Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc Check for Price Synchronous DRAM, 4MX16, 5ns, CMOS, PDSO54, 0.400 X 0.875 INCH, 0.80 MM PITCH, LEAD FREE, TSOP2-54 W9864G6KH-6 vs M12L64164A-5TVG2Y
M12L64164A-5TIG2C Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc Check for Price Synchronous DRAM, W9864G6KH-6 vs M12L64164A-5TIG2C

W9864G6KH-6 Related Parts

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