MMBT3906LT3G by: onsemi

200 mA, 40 V PNP Bipolar Junction Transistor, SOT-23 (TO-236) 3 LEAD, 10000-REEL

Part Details for MMBT3906LT3G by onsemi

Overview of MMBT3906LT3G by onsemi

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Applications Consumer Electronics Audio and Video Systems

Price & Stock for MMBT3906LT3G

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
DISTI # 02AC3755
Newark Trans, Bipol, Pnp, -40V, Sot-23-3, Transistor Polarity:Pnp, Collector Emitter Voltage V(Br)Ceo:-40V, Transition Frequency Ft:250Mhz, Power Dissipation Pd:225Mw, Dc Collector Current:-200Ma, Dc Current Gain Hfe:30Hfe, Transistor Case Rohs Compliant: Yes |Onsemi MMBT3906LT3G RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 5 Package Multiple: 1 Date Code: 1 Container: Cut Tape 76048
  • 1 $0.1060
  • 10 $0.0540
  • 25 $0.0480
  • 50 $0.0420
  • 100 $0.0360
  • 250 $0.0320
  • 500 $0.0280
  • 1,000 $0.0250
$0.0250 / $0.1060 Buy Now
DISTI # 98H0752
Newark Bipolar Transistor, Pnp -40V Sot-23, Full Reel, Transistor Polarity:Pnp, Collector Emitter Voltage Max:40V, Continuous Collector Current:200Ma, Power Dissipation:225Mw, Transistor Mounting:Surface Mount, No. Of Pins:3Pins Rohs Compliant: Yes |Onsemi MMBT3906LT3G RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 20000 Package Multiple: 1 Date Code: 0 Container: Reel 0
  • 20,000 $0.0150
  • 40,000 $0.0140
  • 60,000 $0.0130
$0.0130 / $0.0150 Buy Now
Avnet Americas Transistor GP BJT PNP 40V 0.2A 3-Pin SOT-23 T/R - Tape and Reel (Alt: MMBT3906LT3G) RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 10000 Package Multiple: 10000 Lead time: 10 Weeks, 0 Days Container: Reel 80000
  • 10,000 $0.0096
  • 20,000 $0.0094
  • 40,000 $0.0091
  • 60,000 $0.0088
  • 80,000 $0.0086
$0.0086 / $0.0096 Buy Now
Bristol Electronics   Min Qty: 89 9925
  • 89 $0.0563
  • 268 $0.0375
  • 935 $0.0094
  • 7,980 $0.0056
$0.0056 / $0.0563 Buy Now
Bristol Electronics   1223
Bristol Electronics   1087
TME Transistor: PNP, bipolar, 40V, 0.2A, 0.225/0.3W, SOT23 Min Qty: 1 0
  • 1 $0.0997
  • 10 $0.0635
  • 100 $0.0328
  • 500 $0.0224
  • 1,000 $0.0197
  • 10,000 $0.0147
  • 20,000 $0.0140
  • 30,000 $0.0136
  • 50,000 $0.0133
  • 250,000 $0.0132
$0.0132 / $0.0997 RFQ
Ameya Holding Limited MMBT Series 40 V 200 mA SMT PNP Silicon General Purpose Transistor - SOT-23 66657
Avnet Asia Transistor GP BJT PNP 40V 0.2A 3-Pin SOT-23 T/R (Alt: MMBT3906LT3G) RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 80000 Package Multiple: 10000 Lead time: 10 Weeks, 0 Days 0
  • 80,000 $0.0102
  • 160,000 $0.0101
  • 240,000 $0.0100
  • 400,000 $0.0098
  • 800,000 $0.0096
  • 2,000,000 $0.0094
  • 4,000,000 $0.0091
$0.0091 / $0.0102 Buy Now
Avnet Silica Transistor GP BJT PNP 40V 0.2A 3-Pin SOT-23 T/R (Alt: MMBT3906LT3G) RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 10000 Package Multiple: 10000 Lead time: 11 Weeks, 0 Days Silica - 0
Buy Now
Component Electronics, Inc IN STOCK SHIP TODAY 75
  • 1 $0.6200
  • 100 $0.4600
  • 1,000 $0.4000
$0.4000 / $0.6200 Buy Now
EBV Elektronik Transistor GP BJT PNP 40V 0.2A 3-Pin SOT-23 T/R (Alt: MMBT3906LT3G) RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 10000 Package Multiple: 10000 Lead time: 12 Weeks, 0 Days EBV - 0
Buy Now
Flip Electronics Stock, ship today 9470
Win Source Electronics TRANS PNP 40V 0.2A SOT-23 500022
  • 4,170 $0.0120
  • 9,095 $0.0110
  • 13,640 $0.0110
  • 20,000 $0.0100
  • 25,000 $0.0100
  • 33,335 $0.0090
$0.0090 / $0.0120 Buy Now

Part Details for MMBT3906LT3G

MMBT3906LT3G CAD Models

MMBT3906LT3G Part Data Attributes

MMBT3906LT3G onsemi
Buy Now Datasheet
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MMBT3906LT3G onsemi 200 mA, 40 V PNP Bipolar Junction Transistor, SOT-23 (TO-236) 3 LEAD, 10000-REEL
Pbfree Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Active
Ihs Manufacturer ONSEMI
Part Package Code SOT-23 (TO-236) 3 LEAD
Pin Count 3
Manufacturer Package Code 318
Reach Compliance Code compliant
Factory Lead Time 10 Weeks
Date Of Intro 1999-01-01
Samacsys Manufacturer onsemi
Collector Current-Max (IC) 0.2 A
Collector-Base Capacitance-Max 4.5 pF
Collector-Emitter Voltage-Max 40 V
Configuration SINGLE
DC Current Gain-Min (hFE) 30
JEDEC-95 Code TO-236
JESD-30 Code R-PDSO-G3
JESD-609 Code e3
Moisture Sensitivity Level 1
Number of Elements 1
Number of Terminals 3
Operating Temperature-Max 150 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -65 °C
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Peak Reflow Temperature (Cel) 260
Polarity/Channel Type PNP
Power Dissipation-Max (Abs) 0.3 W
Qualification Status Not Qualified
Surface Mount YES
Terminal Finish Matte Tin (Sn) - annealed
Terminal Form GULL WING
Terminal Position DUAL
Time@Peak Reflow Temperature-Max (s) 30
Transistor Element Material SILICON
Transition Frequency-Nom (fT) 250 MHz
Turn-off Time-Max (toff) 300 ns
Turn-on Time-Max (ton) 70 ns
VCEsat-Max 0.4 V

Alternate Parts for MMBT3906LT3G

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for MMBT3906LT3G. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of MMBT3906LT3G, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
MMBT3906LT1G onsemi $0.0351 200 mA, 40 V PNP Bipolar Junction Transistor, SOT-23 (TO-236) 3 LEAD, 3000-REEL MMBT3906LT3G vs MMBT3906LT1G
SST3906T116 ROHM Semiconductor $0.0822 Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.2A I(C), 40V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, PNP, Silicon, SST3, 3 PIN MMBT3906LT3G vs SST3906T116
MMBT3906LP-7 Diodes Incorporated $0.1273 Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.2A I(C), 40V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, PNP, Silicon, GREEN, LEADLESS, ULTRA SMALL, PLASTIC, DFN1006-3, 3 PIN MMBT3906LT3G vs MMBT3906LP-7
MMBT3906LP-7B Diodes Incorporated $0.1377 Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.2A I(C), 40V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, PNP, Silicon, GREEN, LEADLESS, ULTRA SMALL, PLASTIC, DFN1006-3, 3 PIN MMBT3906LT3G vs MMBT3906LP-7B
Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
MMBT3906SL onsemi Check for Price PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor, SOT-1123-3, 8000-REEL MMBT3906LT3G vs MMBT3906SL
MMBT3904LT3G onsemi $0.0349 200 mA, 40 V NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor, SOT-23 (TO-236) 3 LEAD, 10000-REEL MMBT3906LT3G vs MMBT3904LT3G
MMBT3904LP-7B Diodes Incorporated $0.2176 Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.2A I(C), 40V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, GREEN, LEADLESS, ULTRA SMALL, PLASTIC, DFN1006-3, 3 PIN MMBT3906LT3G vs MMBT3904LP-7B
2N3904TAR onsemi $0.1025 200 mA, 40 V NPN General Purpose Bipolar Junction Transistor, TO-92-3 LF, 2000-FNFLD MMBT3906LT3G vs 2N3904TAR
2N5089 Central Semiconductor Corp Check for Price Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.05A I(C), 25V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, TO-92, TO-92, 3 PIN MMBT3906LT3G vs 2N5089
ZTX653STZ Diodes Incorporated $0.5664 Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 2A I(C), 100V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, TO-92 COMPATIBLE, E-LINE PACKAGE-3 MMBT3906LT3G vs ZTX653STZ
SMBT3904E6327HTSA1 Infineon Technologies AG $0.0327 Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.2A I(C), 40V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, MMBT3906LT3G vs SMBT3904E6327HTSA1
MMBT3904-7 Diodes Incorporated Check for Price Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.2A I(C), 40V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, PLASTIC PACKAGE-3 MMBT3906LT3G vs MMBT3904-7
2N3904BU onsemi $0.1085 200 mA, 40 V NPN General Purpose Bipolar Junction Transistor, TO-92-3, 10000-BLKBG MMBT3906LT3G vs 2N3904BU
MMBT3904LP-7 Diodes Incorporated $0.1079 Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.2A I(C), 40V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, GREEN, LEADLESS, ULTRA SMALL, PLASTIC, DFN1006-3, 3 PIN MMBT3906LT3G vs MMBT3904LP-7

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