SFH6156-2T by:

Transistor Output Optocoupler, 1-Element, 5300V Isolation,

Part Details for SFH6156-2T by Vishay Intertechnologies

Overview of SFH6156-2T by Vishay Intertechnologies

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Applications Space Technology Aerospace and Defense Transportation and Logistics Renewable Energy Automotive Robotics and Drones

Price & Stock for SFH6156-2T

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
DISTI # 70AC6470
Newark Optocplr, Phototransistor, 5.3Kv, Smdip4, No. Of Channels:1 Channel, Optocoupler Case Style:Surface Mount Dip, No. Of Pins:4Pins, Forward Current If Max:60Ma, Isolation Voltage:5.3Kv, Ctr Min:63%, Product Range:- Rohs Compliant: Na |Vishay SFH6156-2T RoHS: Not Compliant Min Qty: 1 Package Multiple: 1 Date Code: 1 Container: Cut Tape 414
  • 1 $0.3530
  • 10 $0.2990
  • 25 $0.2990
  • 50 $0.2990
  • 100 $0.2780
$0.2780 / $0.3530 Buy Now
DISTI # 70AC6470
Avnet Americas SMD-4 CPL 63-125% CTR -e3 - Product that comes on tape, but is not reeled (Alt: 70AC6470) RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 1 Package Multiple: 1 Lead time: 5 Weeks, 3 Days Container: Ammo Pack 414 Partner Stock
  • 1 $0.5900
  • 10 $0.3840
  • 25 $0.3300
  • 50 $0.3060
  • 100 $0.2840
$0.2840 / $0.5900 Buy Now
Bristol Electronics   373
DISTI # SFH6156-2T
TME Optocoupler, SMD, Ch: 1, OUT: transistor, Uinsul: 5.3kV, Uce: 70V Min Qty: 1 1459
  • 1 $0.4740
  • 10 $0.3240
  • 50 $0.2480
  • 100 $0.2240
  • 500 $0.1810
  • 1,000 $0.1670
  • 2,000 $0.1560
  • 4,000 $0.1460
  • 5,000 $0.1430
  • 50,000 $0.1340
$0.1340 / $0.4740 Buy Now
Sensible Micro Corporation AS6081 Certified Vendor, 1 Yr Warranty RoHS: Not Compliant Min Qty: 25 Lead time: 2 Weeks, 0 Days 68
Chip 1 Exchange INSTOCK 9015
Chip-Germany GmbH   RoHS: Not Compliant 330
CHIPMALL.COM LIMITED 70V 5.3kV 50mA 250mV@2.5mA,10mA 1 6V 1.25V DC SMD-4P Transistor, Photovoltaic Output Optoisolators ROHS 19261
  • 30 $0.2477
  • 50 $0.1907
  • 1,000 $0.1590
$0.1590 / $0.2477 Buy Now
Component Electronics, Inc IN STOCK SHIP TODAY 161
  • 1 $2.3100
  • 100 $1.7300
  • 1,000 $1.5000
$1.5000 / $2.3100 Buy Now
DISTI # SFH6156-2T
EBV Elektronik SMD-4 CPL 63-125% CTR -e3 (Alt: SFH6156-2T) RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 1000 Package Multiple: 1000 Lead time: 7 Weeks, 0 Days EBV - 517000
Buy Now
LCSC 70V 5.3kV 50mA 250mV2.5mA10mA 1 6V 1.25V DC SMD-4P Transistor Photovoltaic Output Optoisolators ROHS 901
  • 5 $0.3108
  • 50 $0.2504
  • 150 $0.2245
  • 1,000 $0.1922
  • 2,000 $0.1778
  • 5,000 $0.1691
$0.1691 / $0.3108 Buy Now
MacroQuest Electronics ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 21795
  • 100 $0.2000
  • 500 $0.1800
  • 1,000 $0.1500
$0.1500 / $0.2000 Buy Now
New Advantage Corporation   RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 1 Package Multiple: 1000 404000
  • 1,000 $0.1952
  • 404,000 $0.1806
$0.1806 / $0.1952 Buy Now

Part Details for SFH6156-2T

SFH6156-2T CAD Models

SFH6156-2T Part Data Attributes

SFH6156-2T Vishay Intertechnologies
Buy Now Datasheet
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SFH6156-2T Vishay Intertechnologies Transistor Output Optocoupler, 1-Element, 5300V Isolation,
Pbfree Code Yes
Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Active
Reach Compliance Code compliant
HTS Code 8541.40.80.00
Factory Lead Time 5 Weeks, 3 Days
Samacsys Manufacturer Vishay
Additional Feature UL APPROVED
Coll-Emtr Bkdn Voltage-Min 70 V
Configuration SINGLE
Current Transfer Ratio-Nom 63%
Dark Current-Max 50 nA
Forward Current-Max 0.06 A
Isolation Voltage-Max 5300 V
JESD-609 Code e3
Number of Elements 1
Operating Temperature-Max 100 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -55 °C
Packing Method TR
Terminal Finish Matte Tin (Sn)

Alternate Parts for SFH6156-2T

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for SFH6156-2T. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of SFH6156-2T, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
SFH6156-2 Infineon Technologies AG Check for Price Transistor Output Optocoupler, 1-Element, 5300V Isolation SFH6156-2T vs SFH6156-2
SFH6156-2 Vishay Intertechnologies Check for Price Transistor Output Optocoupler, 1-Element, 5300V Isolation, SFH6156-2T vs SFH6156-2
SFH6156-2 Isocom LTD Check for Price Transistor Output Optocoupler, 1-Element, 5000V Isolation, DIP-4 SFH6156-2T vs SFH6156-2
SFH6156-2T Siemens Check for Price Transistor Output Optocoupler, 1-Element, 5300V Isolation SFH6156-2T vs SFH6156-2T
Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
PS2651-K NEC Compound Semiconductor Devices Ltd Check for Price Transistor Output Optocoupler, 1-Element, 5000V Isolation, PLASTIC, DIP-6 SFH6156-2T vs PS2651-K
MOC8106 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Check for Price Transistor Output Optocoupler, 1-Element, 7500V Isolation, DIP-6 SFH6156-2T vs MOC8106
PS2561L-1 Renesas Electronics Corporation Check for Price Photocouplers / Optocouplers, , / SFH6156-2T vs PS2561L-1
MCT271 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Check for Price Transistor Output Optocoupler, 1-Element, 5300V Isolation, DIP-6 SFH6156-2T vs MCT271
PS2561L-1-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Check for Price Photocouplers / Optocouplers, , / SFH6156-2T vs PS2561L-1-A
PS2561L1-1-A NEC Electronics Group Check for Price Transistor Output Optocoupler, 1-Element, 5000V Isolation, LEAD FREE, PLASTIC, DIP-4 SFH6156-2T vs PS2561L1-1-A
MOC8101.300 QT Optoelectronics Check for Price Transistor Output Optocoupler, 1-Element, 5300V Isolation, DIP-6 SFH6156-2T vs MOC8101.300
CNY17F-4 QT Optoelectronics Check for Price Transistor Output Optocoupler, 1-Element, 5300V Isolation, DIP-6 SFH6156-2T vs CNY17F-4
MOC8106 Motorola Semiconductor Products Check for Price Transistor Output Optocoupler, 1-Element, 7500V Isolation SFH6156-2T vs MOC8106
MOC8101 Motorola Mobility LLC Check for Price 1 CHANNEL TRANSISTOR OUTPUT OPTOCOUPLER SFH6156-2T vs MOC8101

SFH6156-2T Related Parts

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