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Overview of AH115-S8 by TriQuint Semiconductor
Note: Data for a part may vary between manufacturers. You can filter for manufacturers on the top of the page next to the part image and part number.
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- Number of Functional Equivalents: ( 10 options )
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CAD Models for AH115-S8 by TriQuint Semiconductor
Part Data Attributes for AH115-S8 by TriQuint Semiconductor
Pbfree Code
Rohs Code
Part Life Cycle Code
Ihs Manufacturer
Reach Compliance Code
Characteristic Impedance
50 Ω
12.5 dB
Input Power-Max (CW)
22 dBm
JESD-609 Code
Operating Frequency-Max
2300 MHz
Operating Frequency-Min
1800 MHz
Operating Temperature-Max
85 °C
Operating Temperature-Min
-40 °C
RF/Microwave Device Type
Terminal Finish
Tin/Lead (Sn/Pb)
Alternate Parts for AH115-S8
This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for AH115-S8. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of AH115-S8, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.
Part Number | Description | Manufacturer | Compare |
CX65002-12 | Wide Band Medium Power Amplifier, 700MHz Min, 1400MHz Max, SOIC-8 | Skyworks Solutions Inc | AH115-S8 vs CX65002-12 |
CMM6004-SC-0L0T | Wide Band Medium Power Amplifier, 250MHz Min, 3000MHz Max, ROHS COMPLIANT, SMT, SOT-89, 3 PIN | MACOM | AH115-S8 vs CMM6004-SC-0L0T |
AGB3301RS24Q1 | Wide Band Medium Power Amplifier, 250MHz Min, 3000MHz Max, 1 Func, GAAS, ROHS COMPLIANT, S24, TO-243AA, SOT-89, 3 PIN | Coherent Thermal Solutions | AH115-S8 vs AGB3301RS24Q1 |
SKY65009-70LF | Wide Band Medium Power Amplifier, 0.25MHz Min, 2500MHz Max, 2.4 X 4.5 MM, ROHS COMPLIANT, SOT-89, 3 PIN | Skyworks Solutions Inc | AH115-S8 vs SKY65009-70LF |
SKY65028-70LF | Wide Band Medium Power Amplifier, 0.25MHz Min, 2700MHz Max, GREEN, SOT-89, 3 PIN | Skyworks Solutions Inc | AH115-S8 vs SKY65028-70LF |
SKY65113-84LF | Wide Band Medium Power Amplifier, 0.4MHz Min, 2300MHz Max, 1 Func, ROHS COMPLIANT, SMT, SOIC-8 | Skyworks Solutions Inc | AH115-S8 vs SKY65113-84LF |
AH114-89G | Wide Band Medium Power Amplifier, 60MHz Min, 2500MHz Max, GREEN, TO-243C, SOT-89, SMT, 3 PIN | Qorvo | AH115-S8 vs AH114-89G |
CMM6004-SC-0L00 | Wide Band Medium Power Amplifier, 250MHz Min, 3000MHz Max, ROHS COMPLIANT, SMT, SOT-89, 3 PIN | MACOM | AH115-S8 vs CMM6004-SC-0L00 |
SKY65009-21 | Wide Band Medium Power Amplifier, 250MHz Min, 2500MHz Max, 1 Func, 4 X 4 MM, ROHS COMPLIANT, MCM, 3 PIN | Skyworks Solutions Inc | AH115-S8 vs SKY65009-21 |
ADL5323ACPZ-R7 | 1700 MHz TO 2400 MHz GaAs Matched RF PA Pre-Driver | Analog Devices Inc | AH115-S8 vs ADL5323ACPZ-R7 |